The Drum Network CEO Club: Pricing Creativity with Blair Enns in NYC

When: Wednesday, April 26th at 11:45-3pm EST
Where: INVNT, 101 Greenwich Street, Floor 26, New York, 10006
Who: Strictly for The Drum Network CEO Club members

“When we stop pricing our time and our inputs and start charging for the value we create for our clients, everybody wins.”

In this exclusive CEO Club session for members of The Drum Network, agency CEOs are invited to sit down with Blair Enns and The Drum co-founder Diane Young to explore the topic of pricing creativity.

The session will be recorded for an editorial write-up – Blair’s comments will be attributed to him, and the audience’s comments will remain confidential and unattributed. Following the discussion, those interested may wish to join Blair and Diane for a networking lunch.
Registrants for this session will also receive a special discount on Blair’s book ‘Pricing Creativity’, which will be included in the registration email.


Diane Young, The Drum
Diane Young
The Drum
Blair Enns, ”Win Without Pitching” and ”Pricing Creativity”
Blair Enns
”Win Without Pitching” and ”Pricing Creativity”

The Agenda

Arrival, introductions
Discussions on Pricing Creativity with Blair Enns, hosted by Diane Young
CEO networking & lunch

Standard ticket

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Lunch ticket


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